Understanding SMTP Email Errors

23 Jul

SMTP means simple mail transfer protocol. This works together with the post office protocol 3 or POP3. The function of this is linked with the POP3 or the post office protocol 3. The different problems with SMTP are encountered with the email clients. When the composed email is not sent successfully, then there would be an SMTP error shown.

When you attempt to open your email account and you see messages like “bad login”, “bad password” or “bad username”, then it is important for you to see if your email address has been set in the hosting account. Take a look at the SMTP Server. A problem maybe is that the email address has not been created successfully. You should be checking if the username you entered is correct. The email address is the domain name or the email username. When you use a wrong username, you’ll not be able to log in your email address.

Also, make sure that you have entered the right password. You can check the control panel and see the correct password for every email account. You will be puzzled remembering the correct password for the different email accounts that you have. Another SMTP email error that you will get to experience is when you get a message “server not found”. Just find out if you got connected to the Internet.

When you have only registered the domain, you should know that you need to wait for your domain to be made available in the Internet after a day or two. So when the domain has not been propagated yet, then pointing the email client to your domain, the email will still not be accessible. What you will encounter is the “server not found” message.

When you are sure that the cases mentioned above are not what caused the errors, then take a look at the email client settings and verify if what you have used are the correct SMTP servers. Your domain is typically the right SMTP server. For more information about email errors, read this article. You will be required to make use of the SMTP server for the different ISPs. When you are still having a problem with it, then you have to check the policy with the ISP technical support.

One of the SMTP email errors that you will see displayed is the “mailbox full” or the “quota exceeded” error message after you send an email. However, this sometimes may not be the main problem when you get SMTP email error messages. You will get this kind of error message if the addressee’s inbox is already full or has exceeded its quota.

SMTP email errors can be caused by different problems. Usually, the different codes for SMTP email errors have three digits. You’ll see them in numbers like 550, 221, 354 and several others. Check out the SMTP2Go Review. Each represent a particular error. Every digit represents a certain command or meaning.

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